Unpainted sets of figures

Unpainted sets of figures

Preiser 16594 (1:87)
Joining the chow-line. The German Reich 1939-45. Field kitchen. 6 unpainted miniature figures. Kit.
kr 289
Preiser 16596 (1:87)
Bicycle unit cycling and walking. The German Reich 1939-45. 6 unpainted miniature figures. 6 unpainted bicycles. Accessories. Kit. Figures: Material in grey colour
kr 309
Preiser 16597 (1:87)
Standing draught horses. Soldiers holding horses. The German Reich 1939-45. 2 unpainted miniature figures. 6 unpainted horses. Kit. Figures: Material in grey colour
kr 179
Preiser 16598 (1:87)
Motorcycle crew, mounted. Motorcycle BMW R 12. The German Reich 1939-45. 4 unpainted miniature figures. 3 motorcycles. Kit. Figures: Material in grey colour
kr 289
Preiser 16600 (1:87)
Attacking infantryriflemen.Winteruniform.USSR1941–1945.12unpaintedminiaturefigures.Kit.Figures:Materialinoliveyellowcolour
kr 109
Preiser 16605 (1:87)
Close combat. Winter uniforms. USSR/TheGermanReich1943-45.16unpaintedminiaturefigures.Kit
kr 129
Preiser 16607 (1:87)
Cavalrymen standing with ment horses.TheGermanReich1939-45.5unpaintedminiaturefigures,5unpaintedhorses. Kit. Figures: Material in grey colour
kr 179