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-kr 208
Battery LiPo 2-cell - 7.4 V 12800 mAh 25C (2875)
Traxxas. LiPo battery pack. 2-cell with Traxxas-connector (NOT ID). Fits Teraxxas 1/10 cars. Please see description for sizes! OBSERVE! For balancing of Traxxas LIPO battery packs, a original Traxxas charger or a charger with balncing port, is needed.
kr 1,399
kr 1,607
Batteri LiPo 2-cell id - 7.4 V 7600 mAh 25C (2869X)
Traxxas. LiPo battery pack. 2-cell with Traxxas id-connector. Fits Teraxxas 1/10 cars. Please see description for sizes! OBSERVE! For balancing of Traxxas ID-LIPO battery packs, a original Traxxas charger or converter cables 2938, is needed.
kr 995
Batteri LiPo 2-cell id - 7.4 V 5800 mAh 25C (2843X)
Traxxas. LiPo battery pack. 2-cell with Traxxas id-connector. Fits Teraxxas 1/10 cars. Please see description for sizes! OBSERVE! For balancing of Traxxas ID-LIPO battery packs, a original Traxxas charger or converter cables 2938, is needed.
kr 819
copy of Traxxas Servo Digital Kullagrat 2075
Traxxas 2075X Waterproof Metal Gear Digital Servo

Metal Gear, Ball Bearing
Digital High-torque
Power: 9kg/cm
Transit Time: 0.17 sec/60°
Size: L=55mm, H= 42.75mm, W=21.5mm
kr 809
Tamiya side cutter, (74129)
Side cutter of highest quality. Suitable for plastics and soft metals (brass, copper aluminum etc.).
kr 489
Tamiya Model saw (74024)
Model saw for wood and plastic. Perfect for straight and fine cuts. Length of the saw blade 160 mm, blade thickness 0,3 mm. 2 blades included.
kr 309
Cutting board
Cutting board perfect for protectning the workplace during the build. Suitable for cutting with scalpells, razor saws etc.Thickness: 3 mm.