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New bedford whale boat (ca 1850-1970)
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New Bedford boat - Scale: 1/3” (1:36) - Length over all: 10” (26 cm)New Bedford boat builders were responsible for developing a nearly perfect design for a light, seaworthy, capacious boat to be used in the open ocean for the dangerous business of whaling. After the sinking of the whaleship...
Swampscott dory
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A New England tradition - Scale: 1” (1:12) - Length over all: 18” (46 cm)Swampscott dories were the most highly refined variant of the dory type ever built, making them the aristocrats of dories. Originally built for inshore fishing and lobstering along the coast of Massachusetts, their speed, ease of handling and low cost soon made them popular as recreational sailboats. Developed when...
Corrugated brass
Corrugated brassMeasurement: nubers of waves per cmSize 30 x 100 mm
kr 22