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5101 Märklin second hand
Second hand. Curve track, Radius 360 mm. Length 1/2 = 15°.
kr 20
5100 Märklin second hand
Second hand. Standard curve track, Radius 360 mm. Length 1/1 = 30°.12 pieces is needed to make a complete circle.
kr 20
Märklin - Waterbottle
Aluminium waterbottle with Crocodile motive
kr 149
2 swedish Nordwaggon cars - Märklin 48065

Swedish Nordwaggon Car Set

Prototype: Two type Habiins 4-ale sliding wall boxcars. Privately owned cars for the firm Transwaggon, Inc., registered in Sweden, with large Nordwaggon lettering. The cars look as they did starting in 2011.

kr 1,229
Märklin catalog 2024/25
The main catalog for Märklin model railroads 2024/25. Contains locomotives, waggons, rails etc. in gauges, H0 (1:87), Z (1:220) and 1 (1:32). Available in english and german.
-kr 34
Märklin catalog 2023/24
Product available with different options
The main catalog for Märklin model railroads 2023/24. Contains locomotives, waggons, rails etc. in gauges, H0 (1:87), Z (1:220) and 1 (1:32). Available in english and german.
-kr 34
Märklin catalog 2022/23
The main catalog for Märklin model railroads 2022/23. Contains locomotives, waggons, rails etc. in gauges, H0 (1:87), Z (1:220) and 1 (1:32).Available in english and german.
-kr 24
Märklin catalog 2021/22
The main catalog for Märklin model railroads 2021/22. Contains locomotives, waggons, rails etc. in gauges, H0 (1:87), Z (1:220) and 1 (1:32).Available in english and german.