Märklin 48780.1 -NEW Id: 18295 -H0 (1:87)
Beer Refrigerator Car

Prototype: Two-axle beer refrigerator car with a high-mounted brakeman's platform. Privately owned car painted and lettered for "Brouwerij D'Oranjeboom", used on the Dutch State Railways (NS). The car looks as it did in Era III.
kr 425
Märklin 48937.1 -NEW Id: 18296 -H0 (1:87)
Beer Refrigerator Car

Prototype: Two-axle beer refrigerator car with a high mounted brakeman's stand. Privately owned car in the fictitious paint and lettering scheme for the brewery Schwechat in Austria, basic color of red. Used on the ÖBB / Austrian Federal Railroad. The car looks as it did in Era III, beginning of the Sixties.
kr 450
Märklin 48880.1 -NEW Id: 18297 -H0 (1:87)
SMILEY® Car for 2023

The SMILEY® car is a great gift with which you can bring a smile to someone’s face.

Prototype: Two-axle freight car with smooth side walls.
kr 395
Märklin 48517.1 -NEW Id: 18298 -H0 (1:87)
Märklin Magazin Annual Car in H0 for 2017

Prototype: Type F-z 120 (former Ommi 51) two-axle dump car. Privately owned car painted and lettered for the Märklin Magazin, Göppingen, Germany, used on the German Federal Railroad (DB). Hand brake and brakeman's platform included, rail clamps included. The car looks as it did around 1990.
kr 350
Märklin 48162.1 -NEW Id: 18299 -H0 (1:87)
H0 Insider Annual Car for 2012.

Prototype: Acid transport car with a brakeman's platform. Privately owned car lettered for the firm Firma Degussa, Rheinfelden plant (Baden), used on the German Federal Railroad (DB). The car looks as it did at the end of the Fifties.
kr 395
Märklin 48516.1 -NEW Id: 18300 -H0 (1:87)
Märklin Magazin H0 Annual Car for 2016

Prototype: 2-axle tank car with a hand brake platform and an end ladder, for transporting printing ink. Privately owned car painted and lettered for the Märklin Magazin, Göppingen, Germany, used on the Märklin Railroad (MB). The car looks as it did around 1989.
kr 325
Märklin 48775.1 -NEW Id: 18301 -H0 (1:87)
Beer Refrigerator Car

Prototype: Type Tehs 50 two-axle beer refrigerator car. Privately owned freight car painted and lettered for Adlerbrauerei Rettenberg Herbert Zötler KG. Used on the German Federal Railroad (DB). Krupp Mustang truck as a beer delivery truck, with a stepped flatbed, painted and lettered for the Adlerbrauerei Rettenberg Herbert Zötler KG. The units look as they did around 1959.
kr 695
Märklin 48955.1 -NEW Id: 18302 -H0 (1:87)
Type Lbms Container Transport Car

Prototype: Type Lbms 839 two-axle container transport car. Privately owned car for the firm Akzo Nobel, used on the Dutch State Railways (NS). The car looks as it did starting in 2004.
kr 495
Märklin 48772.1 -NEW Id: 18303 -H0 (1:87)
Beer Refrigerator Car

Prototype: Two-axle boxcar as a beer refrigerator car with the brakeman's stand removed. Privately owned car painted and lettered for Brouwerij de 3 Hoefijzers, Breda, Netherlands, used on the Dutch State Railways (NS). The car looks as it did around 1950.
kr 425
Märklin 48822.1 -NEW Id: 18305 -H0 (1:87)
Type G 10 Boxcar

Prototype: German Federal Railroad (DB) type G 10 two-axle boxcar with "KALDEWEI" lettering. Version without a brakeman's cab and without a brakeman's platform, with end area reinforcement. The car looks as it did around 1952 with car number DR Brit-US-Zone 111 105 G 10. Kaelble tractor, with a German Federal Railroad (DB) Culemeyer design road roller.
kr 795
Märklin 48854.1 -NEW Id: 18306 -H0 (1:87)
Type Gllmhs 37 "Leig-Einheit" Pair of Cars

The competition from trucks starting in the mid-Twenties caused the DRG to emphasize less-than-carload-freight. The pioneering concept: self-contained trains and the sorting of piece freight in route. A lot was improvised on the so-called "Leichten Eil-Güterzüge" / "Lightweight-Fast-Freight-Trains" (Leig). With the limitation on train lengths, the end effect was that stops could be made exactly at station platforms and the freight transfer could be accelerated accordingly.

Prototype: Type Gllmhs 37 Leig-Einheit / less-than-carload-lot pair of cars with the lettering "Stückgut Schnellverkehr" / "Less-than-Carload-Lot Express Service". German Federal Railroad (DB). The cars look as they around 1958.
kr 750
Märklin 49967.1 -NEW Id: 18307 -H0 (1:87)
Workshop Equipment Car

Prototype: Custom-designed workshop equipment car for the DB Bahnbaugruppe / DB Railroad Construction Group, based on the type MDyge 986. Yellow paint scheme. The car looks as it currently could look in real life.
kr 1,650