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Traxxas 1/8 Jato 4x4 BL-2S, RC
Traxxas Jato 4x4 1/8 BL-2s EHD RTR - GREEN. The classis RC buggy is reborn and has got electric power and 4WD. This version is fitted with a brushless motor system. Battery and charger are not included.
kr 4,995
Batteri LiPo 2-cell id - 7.4 V 7600 mAh 25C (2869X)
Traxxas. LiPo battery pack. 2-cell with Traxxas id-connector. Fits Teraxxas 1/10 cars. Please see description for sizes! OBSERVE! For balancing of Traxxas ID-LIPO battery packs, a original Traxxas charger or converter cables 2938, is needed.
kr 995
-kr 208
Battery LiPo 2-cell - 7.4 V 12800 mAh 25C (2875)
Traxxas. LiPo battery pack. 2-cell with Traxxas-connector (NOT ID). Fits Teraxxas 1/10 cars. Please see description for sizes! OBSERVE! For balancing of Traxxas LIPO battery packs, a original Traxxas charger or a charger with balncing port, is needed.
kr 1,399
kr 1,607