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5201 Märklin second hand
Second hand. Outter radius curve track, Radius 437,4 mm. Length 1/2 = 15°.
kr 30
5200 Märklin second hand
Second hand. Outter radius curve track, Radius 437,4 mm. Length 1/1 = 30°.12 pieces is needed to make a complete circle.
kr 30
5120 Märklin second hand
Second hand. Industrial curve track, Radius 286 mm. Length 1/1 = 45°. 8 pieces is needed to make a complete circle. NOTE that this is a very tight curve track. Some locomotives and longer cars will have trouble to handle this track.
kr 20
5114 Märklin second hand
Second hand. Crossing, standard 30°.Available with connected or separated conductors. (With the separated version it is possible to let two different electric circuits cross each other.)
5100 Märklin second hand
Second hand. Standard curve track, Radius 360 mm. Length 1/1 = 30°.12 pieces is needed to make a complete circle.
kr 20