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Märklin 86618 -NEW (z)
Prussian freight car set, consisting of a privately owned tank car with a brakeman's cab, painted and lettered for the firm Dapolin, and a privately owned refrigerator car with a brakeman's cab for transporting wine, Kloss and Förster, both cars used on the Royal Prussian Railroad Administration (KPEV) rail lines, as well a Royal Prussian Railroad Administration (KPEV) type G10 boxcar. Scale 1:220.
Märklin 82505 -NEW (z)
4 different design Belgian State Railways (NMBS/SNCB) freight cars. 1 hopper car. 1 tank car. 1 boxcar without a brakeman?s cab. 1 powdered freight silo car. Scale 1:220.
5111 Märklin second hand
Second hand. Uncoupler track, length 90 mm.Electromagnetic function, to be used with control boxes such as 72720.Can also be equipped with light mast 5113.
Märklin 39968 Flying Scotsman
Class A3 "Flying Scotsman" Steam Locomotive. Märklin 39968 (~ AC). British steam engine in gauge H0 (1:87). Equipped with digital decoder for mfx, MM, DCC. Multiple soundeffects as well as syncronized smoke unit.
2 swedish LKAB tank cars - Märklin 47567

Swedish Tank Car Set

Prototype: Two type Zaces four-axle special cars for chemical products, used on Green Cargo (GC), privately owned by LKAB. Type with insulated funnel-flow tank. The cars look as they did around 2015.