kr 22
There are 222 products.
kr 22
kr 179
kr 99
kr 1,875
kr 7,200
kr 6,880
Battery LiPo 2-cell - 7.4 V 12800 mAh 25C (2875)
Traxxas. LiPo battery pack. 2-cell with Traxxas-connector (NOT ID). Fits Teraxxas 1/10 cars. Please see description for sizes! OBSERVE! For balancing of Traxxas LIPO battery packs, a original Traxxas charger or a charger with balncing port, is needed.
kr 1,399
kr 1,607
Batteri LiPo 2-cell id - 7.4 V 7600 mAh 25C (2869X)
Traxxas. LiPo battery pack. 2-cell with Traxxas id-connector. Fits Teraxxas 1/10 cars. Please see description for sizes! OBSERVE! For balancing of Traxxas ID-LIPO battery packs, a original Traxxas charger or converter cables 2938, is needed.
kr 995
Batteri LiPo 2-cell id - 7.4 V 5800 mAh 25C (2843X)
Traxxas. LiPo battery pack. 2-cell with Traxxas id-connector. Fits Teraxxas 1/10 cars. Please see description for sizes! OBSERVE! For balancing of Traxxas ID-LIPO battery packs, a original Traxxas charger or converter cables 2938, is needed.
kr 819
Gift certificate
Please choose the amount in the menu below. The amounts are in swedish Kronor. For other amounts, please contact Eskader. Gift certificates are valid for two years.
kr 300
kr 299
kr 3,250
kr 3,100
kr 475