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-kr 34
Märklin catalog 2022/23
The main catalog for Märklin model railroads 2022/23. Contains locomotives, waggons, rails etc. in gauges, H0 (1:87), Z (1:220) and 1 (1:32).Available in english and german.
Preiser PK 27 - Main Catalogue
The main catalogue from Preiser. All their figures and accessories in the same catalogue.
kr 129
Swedish Airport Fire Truck
Mercedes Benz LAF 1113 LF 16. Airport fire truck. Yellow. 1970. Brekina-47143, skala H0 (1:87)
kr 479
Faller System Slotcar Race Track
Road parts for Faller System Slotcar Race Track. In used condition. Original box not availible. Some parts may have color shiftings and remains of glue. Cars and throttle controls not included.

4772 x 4 st.
411001 x 4 st.
424501 x 8 st.
412001 x 11 pcs.
439001 x 21 pcs.
4492 x 3 pcs.
4445 x 4 pcs.
4491 x 4 pcs.
4490 x 3 pcs.
433001 x 1 pcs.
4336001 x 1 pcs.
473101 x 2 pcs.
4103 x 2 pcs.
4580A x 1 pcs.
4580B x 1 pcs.
 x 1pcs.
Road barrier x 18 pcs. 
Conducting coupler x 144 pcs.
kr 1,700
-kr 24
Märklin catalog 2021/22
The main catalog for Märklin model railroads 2021/22. Contains locomotives, waggons, rails etc. in gauges, H0 (1:87), Z (1:220) and 1 (1:32).Available in english and german.