Cables, triple lead
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Cables, triple lead

Cables triple version (3 x 0,14 mm2)

kr 79 Tax included

kr 63 Tax excluded

check Available

"Märklin colors" Blue/Blue/Yellow

"Trix colors" Green/White/Yellow

Data sheet
Image Ref. Length Color Unit price Avail. Buy
Cables, triple lead
L318/5M 5 M Blue/Blue/Yellow
kr 79
Cables, triple lead
L318/5T 5 M Green/White/Yellow
kr 79
Cables, triple lead
L318/25M 25 M Blue/Blue/Yellow
kr 319
Cables, triple lead
L318/50M 50 M Blue/Blue/Yellow
kr 559
Total: 0,0
All prices with tax included.
Tax rate: 25,0%.
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