Märklin 43947.1 -NY Id: 18063 -H0 (1:87)
4 st vagnar. För den fotbollsintresserade. 6 st figurer från NOCH medföljer. Alla vagnar har LED-belysning. Personvagnssats, Analog , H0 (1:87)
2 689 kr
Räktrålare (Vattenlinje-skrov)
Räktrålare i resin med etsade detaljer från Artitec. Byggsats. Färg och lim ingår ej. OBS Vattenlinje-skrov. Skala H0 (1:87)
719 kr
LGB Restarurantvagn RhB, skala 1:22,5
LGB 31681 - This is a model of an RhB dining car as also used in the Glacier Express. The paint scheme and lettering are prototypical for Era VI. The car has many details and doors that can be opened. It also has a complete finely detailed interior. The car has factory-installed interior lighting and electrical pickups by means of ball bearing wheel sets. Length over the buffers 62 cm / 24-3/8".
4 889 kr
LGB Personvagn 1/2 kl. RhB, skala 1:22,5
LGB 31679 - This is a model of an RhB express train passenger car, 1st and 2nd class. The paint and lettering are prototypical for Era VI. It has complete interior details and interior lighting. The current pickup is done with ball bearing wheelsets. The doors can be opened and the car has metal wheelsets. Length over the buffers 62 cm / 24-3/8".
4 279 kr
FR 46.337.01 Green Cargo Eanos
Öppen godsvagn, littra Eanos. Märkt Green Cargo. Skala Z/1:220. Fullt kompatibel med Märklin Z.
1 090 kr
FR 46.220.52 Swedish passenger cars NetRail
Swedish set with two blue/white 1960-style passenger cars, NetRail B5 4750 and B5 4757 as they were in use by Veolia Transport. In z scale 1:220. Limited edition. Fully compatible with Märklin z.
2 790 kr